Slovenian IPv6 study for government now available also in english language
Go6 Institute gathered together a group of experts back in 2010 for purpose to write an IPv6 study for Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology , where we described in over 150 pages the situation and how the government and industry should to respond to emerging challenges of introducing a new protocol …
This time, the company NIL d.o.o. helped us to continue the project and contributed professional translation of original document from Slovenian language into English, for which we thank them very much – the translation is excellent! The authors of the original document did a fast review and found that most of the written there is true today – just a few adjustments were needed on some points, amendments and clarification of what happened in between. So, here we are publishing a translation of study in English (available under the rights of “Creative Commons”). Responses from other countries to the pre-announcement that we are translating our document were quite turbulent – they all wanted to know when it will be available – and here it is. I thank all co-authors of the document, company NIL for translation and the ministry, that made all this possible. PDF English version of the study (8.8 MB) Jan Žorž
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Thanks for translating and sharing the report!
wonderful translation site . this site is always good translation service for the cucumber .i like it.keep on …