Archive for April, 2012

Slovenian IPv6 study for government now available also in english language

Go6 Institute gathered together a group of experts back in 2010 for purpose to write an IPv6 study for Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology , where we described in over 150 pages the situation and how the government and industry should to respond to emerging challenges of introducing a new protocol …

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IPv6 privacy – interesting document

Dutch IPv6 task-force wrote and published an interesting document, talking about IPv6 and privacy concerns. As far as we can see from our experience, technical view on this topic differs severly from the point of view that several Information Commissioners around EU have… (Read the article)

HSBC takes the lead in IPv6 adoption


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IETF to standardize new democratic selection mechanism – the coin

[Slovenian version]

IETF Softwire working group on Friday was all about discussion on which proposal among “Stateless A + P” variants to choose as the standard, which means that winner goes to “Standards Track” and the ‘looser’ goes to the “Experimental Track”. We were deciding between the options MAP-E/MAP-T and 4RD-U … (Read the article)