(Slovensko) Facebook že na IPv6!!!

Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):


  1. May 23rd, 2012 | 07:36 AM

    Paul Saab iz Facebooka nam je sporočil tole:

    fbcdn will arrive soon.. It’s working already for us internally, but we haven’t unleashed it to the internet yet. We will have everything dual stacked except *.channel.facebook.com and zero.facebook.com. channel will come soon, but it will not be there for IPv6 launch, so you won’t be able to use facebook over an IPv6 only connection just yet. It’ll be there soon, I promise…

    I’ll talk about that in a engineering blog post I’ll be doing in 2 weeks. I will say that Happy Eyeballs does not make me Happy and Mac OS X 10.7 makes me angry.

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