8th Slovenian IPv6 summit
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Eighth Slovenian IPv6 summit
When: 22 and 23 October 2013
Where: Ljubljana Brdo Technology Park (Google MAPS)
Organisers: ARNES, LTFE and Go6 Institute
Aimed at: everyone interested in IPv6 and/or anyone facing the transition to IPv6 in the near future
Price: attendance is free (if oversubscribed, priority will be given to members of the Go6 Institute)
Maximum participant numbers: 120
Brief description
At the summit you can find out how custodians of Slovenian and foreign networks, such as operators, content providers, large businesses and the like are dealing with the lack of internet addresses under the old protocol, which are required for uninterrupted operation of the internet.
Once again we are hosting numerous Slovenian and foreign speakers (summit programme). Speakers include Norwegian Ole Trøan of Cisco, an active member of IETF and author of a series of RFC documents in the IPv6 field.
We will also be joined by Ian Farrer from Deutsche Telekom. Ian is the co-author of Terrastream, an advanced next-generation network which uses only IPv6 for data transfer, which DT is piloting in the network of Hrvatski Telekom.
There will be two parallel workshops on Wednesday. In the first, beginners will learn the basics and essentials for implementing the new protocol. The second workshop will be given over to technically demanding users, and with the help of experts participants will set up transmission via IPv6 multicast. The Wednesday workshops will be followed by the founding meeting of Slovenian network experts (NOG), which will offer exchange of experience and promote the development of network technologies in Slovenia.
In addition to Ole and Ian, a number of other leading international experts will present their views, solutions and proposals at the meeting:
- Jože Mlakar (Ixtlan Team)
- Andrew Yourtchenko (Cisco)
- Massimiliano Stucchi (RIPE-NCC)
- Sander Steffann (RIPE Address Policy WG chair)
- …
The event will be divided into three sessions:
- 22 October 2013: Eight Slovenian IPv6 summit,
- 23 October 2013, morning: IPv6 workshops (basic and advanced),
- 23 October 2013, afternoon: Network Operators meeting – from Slovenia and surrounding region.
Application and registration
- Registration: Eight Slovenian IPv6 summit and NOG meeting
There is only 120 places available in the room, so Members of the Go6 Institute and invited guests will be able to pre-register with password. We expect also international attendees, we suggest you to register as quickly as possible.
We will open registration for general public on 1. Oktober 2013.
Promotion and advertising
As an event sponsor we once again invite you to present yourself to delegates, including some of the leading technical experts and decision makers in numerous Slovenian companies (operators, equipment manufacturers and systems integrators).
For further information on sponsorship, advertising and booking display space, email us at info@go6.si.
[…] Zavod go6 vabi vse zainteresirane strokovnjake s področja komunikacijskih in grid omrežij, ponudnike storitev, proizvajalce in vse tiste, ki bi želeli delovati za dobro interneta, da se nam pridružite na 8. slovenskem IPv6 summitu, ki bo 22. oktobra 2013 v Tehnološkem parku Ljubljana Brdo. Poleg osrednjega IPv6 srečanja, kjer gostimo vrhunsko predavateljsko zasedbo omrežnih strokovnjakov, bomo na okrogli mizi ob 17h predstavili pobudo za ustanovitev slovenskega operaterskega foruma SINOG (Slovenian Network Operators Group). Tovrstna NOG (Network Operators Group) združenja so v tujini med operaterji in ponudniki storitev že več let dobro znana. Glavni cilj SINOG združenja je izboljšati komunikacijo med vsemi deležniki, ki so odgovorni za slovenski del interneta ter si med seboj pomagati z izmenjavo izkušenj in dobrih praks. V SINOG-u ni prostora za politiko, saj je veliko drugih pomembnejših izzivov in priložnosti na področju obstoječe in prihajajoče tehnologije. V kolikor se čutite sposobne in ste pripravljeni aktivno sodelovati pri oblikovanju dobrih praks s področja omrežnih tehnologij, vas na IPv6 summit ter okroglo mizo vljudno vabimo. Prijave za vse zainteresirane se zbira na naslovu: https://ipv6summit.eventbrite.com/, več o dogodku si pa lahko preberete na: http://go6.si/8-slovensko-ipv6-srecanje/ […]