Archive for the 'IPv6 uvajanje' Category

(Slovensko) Procent uporabnikov v Sloveniji ki imajo omogočen IPv6 strmo raste…

Sorry, this entry is only available in Slovensko.

(Slovensko) Moj Mikro objavil tudi spletno različico članka o IPv6

AED database of Slovenia is reachable over IPv6 too!

[Slovenska verzija]

AED database, that contains locations and  status of automatic external defibrillators is now available also over IPv6. Why is this so important? Mobile operators around the world are thinking about transiting to IPV6 and more and more likely to offer a mobile “data package” that includes just IPv6 traffic (PDPv6, there are many reasons for that). Access to IPv4 content and services is enabled by a translation mechanism NAT64 in the operators core. Services and content, reachable also over IPv6 will bypass the translation, as there is absolutely no need for that – and this is very important for services, that can save peoples lives… (Read the article)

(Slovensko) SKB banka oglasila svoj IPv6 segment v Internetu

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(Slovensko) Volitveni portal za predsednika RS tudi preko IPv6

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(Slovensko) Go6 v Beogradu opravil prvo IPv6 svetovanje za TAG

IPv6 BGP routing table approaching 10.000 route entries…

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(Slovensko) IETF: prva analiza, kaj je še potrebno, da začnemo ugašati IPv4

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Guest post: IPv6 File Transfer Now Available In Serbian language

A Belgrade startup called HBM Company ( has advanced Serbia’s access to IPv6 file transfer by translating the popular Serv-U FTP Server entirely into Serbian. (Read the article)

MIZKŠ published a tender for financing e-projects requires mandatory use of IPv6…

[Slovenska verzija]

Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Republic of Slovenia has issued a public call for funding the development of e-services and mobile applications for public and private non-profit organizations in which they explicitly require that all funded e-services and mobile applications uses IPv6 as mandatory communication protocol. For using also IPv4 the project receives one additional point (out of 100 possible).  That means that all funded applications and e-services must be fully operational in IPv6-only environment. We welcome with great enthusiasm this governmental initiative of encouraging rapid deployment of IPv6 protocol in new services and networks… (Read the article)

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