3rd Slovenian IPv6 summit announcement (english)
Here we go with English announcement of our 3rd IPv6 Slo summit, as requested from several parties across EU like RIPE-NCC and others. This announcement was taken from Terena web page and corrected a bit…
The third Slovenian IPv6 summit (12 – 13 May 2010)
The third Slovenian IPv6 summit will take a step forward from an awareness phase to a more technical standpoint.
The event will start on 12. May 2010 with two parallel full-day technical workshops. First workshop (6DEPLOY) will provide theoretical insight into the IPv6 protocol while the second will be based on practical training in real networking environment (lead by slovenian IPv6 experts). On the second day, 13. May, technical presentations will take place along the keynote by Daniel Karrenberg, chief scientist at the RIPE NCC.
Summit will be wrapped up by the round-table discussion about the requirements for IPv6 support in the networking equipment and services. Round table is proposed and initiated by our Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and will try to define some IPv6 requirements text proposal for public tenders, seeking for concensus between IT equipment buyers (government, ISPs, …) and integrators / vendor resellers.
Slo IPv6 Summit is organized by ARNES, Slovenian Go6 institute and the Laboratory for Telecommunications at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana.
Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):
Corrections accepted 😉 You’ve put some valuable additional info about the 6deploy. Maybe we should also add that the round-table discussion will be lead by Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. For the Terena annoucement we were bind for keeping the text as short as possible. Thanks for “the corrections”!
no worries, brevity sometimes takes away some info, that could be of use 🙂