Nov spored sestanka IPv6 Working Grupe na RIPE60.
IPv6 meeting na RIPE60 dobiva nov razpored, kjer je vključena za nas ena bistvena sprememba oziroma dopolnilo. Natančno si jo oglejte…
IPv6 WG agenda for RIPE60:
The IPv6 working group is scheduled for the same time at RIPE 60 in
Prague as it was in RIPE 59 – immediately following the plenary on Tuesday.
Here is agenda:
A. Administrative stuff
– Introduction
– New charter
– New chairs
– Agenda bashing
B. IPv6 at Web Clients and Caching Resolvers
by Emile Aben, RIPE NCC
C. IETF v6ops activity
by Kurt Lindqvist, Netnod
D. CPE Overview
by Marco Hogewoning, XS4ALL
E. IPv6 WorldWide Policy Review
by Filiz Yilmaz, RIPE NCC
F. Mobile broadband and IPv6 in Slovenia
by Jan Zorz,
G. Update on Recent RIPE NCC IPv6 Activity
by Christ Buckridge, RIPE NCC
H. IPv6-wg brainstorming
Y. Input for the RIPE NCC Activity Plan
Z. AOB & wrap-up
The “brainstorming” session is an attempt to have some discussion about
concrete ideas that we can use to reach the goals of the new charter.
Marco will lead the session, but hopefully everyone will come with new
ideas ready and join in.
Jan Žorž 🙂
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