Cisco glavni sponzor 3. Slo IPv6 summita.
Cisco je postal glavni sponzor 3. Slo IPv6 summita, za kar se jim najlepše zahvaljujemo. Cisco se je skozi zgodovino izkazal kot podjetje, ki veliko vlaga v razvoj in standardizacij interneta in njihova podpora IPv6 dogodkom ni presenečenje…
V upanju na tudi bodoče sodelovanje se podjetju Cisco še enkrat zahvaljujemo za izkazano podporo.
Še kratek odsek iz predstavitve njihovega podjetja, ki govori o “community work”:
At Cisco we believe community belongs to everyone and connecting and collaborating with others is a key element of our culture. Making the world a smaller place through technology and using it to enhance life experiences is something we take seriously. While market transitions evolve and change over time, the components of our culture remain consistent. For these are our core values, the basis of all we do – and the spirit in which we do it – and are embraced with the intention of customer success and positively contributing to the world and others. Cisco employees are committed to giving back and volunteerism is a huge part of our culture. The numbers speak for themselves; since 2001, Cisco employees have logged more than 980,970 volunteer hours – a number which continues to increase year over year.
Jan Žorž
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