ZDA izdala ukaze in navodila za vpeljavo IPv6 v vladna omrežja.
28. septembra je ameriška vlada izdala dokončni ukaz za svoja ministrstva (agencies) o nujnosti prehoda na IPv6. Sporočilo je razdeljeno na tri vsebinske sklope – kaj se mora storiti, kaj priporočajo da se stori ter spisek sestankov, katere bo imel njihov IPv6 TF po raznih ministrstvih, kjer bodo identificirali operativne težave pri prehodu omrežja in servisov na IPv6…
Vsako ministrstvo ali agencija naj bi določilo vodjo projekta IPv6 vpeljave, ki bo komuniciral s komisijo, oziroma IPv6 TF, kakor se imenujejo. Med opravili, katere morajo pod dekretom izvesti in izpolniti so – citiram:
The Federal government must transition to IPv6 in order to:
- Enable the successful deployment and expansion of key Federal information technology (IT) modernization initiatives, such as Cloud Computing, Broadband, and SmartGrid, which rely on robust, scalable Internet networks;
- Reduce complexity and increase transparency of Internet services by eliminating the architectural need to rely on Network Address Translation (NAT) technologies;
- Enable ubiquitous security services for end-to-end network communications that will serve as the foundation for securing future Federal IT systems; and,
- Enable the Internet to continue to operate efficiently through an integrated, well-architected networking platform and accommodate the future expansion of Internet-based services.
Zelo dobro napisano, predvsem me veseli dejstvo, da se deklarativno hočejo znebiti NAT mehanizmov, zgleda da so končno ugotovili da jim ne prinaša nič dobrega.
Kaj priporočajo, da se še stori – citiram:
In order to facilitate timely and effective IPv6 adoption, agencies shall:
- Upgrade public/external facing servers and services (e.g. web, email, DNS, ISP services, etc) to operationally use native IPv6 by the end of FY 20121;
- Upgrade internal client applications that communicate with public Internet servers and supporting enterprise networks to operationally use native IPv6 by the end of FY 2014;
- Designate an IPv6 Transition Manager and submit their name, title, and contact information to IPv6@omb.eop.gov by October 30, 2010. The IPv6 Transition Manager is to serve as the person responsible for leading the agency’s IPv6 transition activities, and liaison with the wider Federal IPv6 effort as necessary; and,
- Ensure agency procurements of networked IT comply with FAR requirements for use of the USGv6 Profile and Test Program for the completeness and quality of their IPv6 capabilities.
Sestanki po ministrstvih bodo trajali po 4 dni, v tem času upajo da bodo identificirali vse prepreke in težave pri procesu uvajanja.
Bravo ZDA, tako se to dela. Nekdo mora udariti po mizi in ukazati, če se aktivnosti drugače ne začnejo in uvedba novega protokola ne izvede. Demokracija gor, demokracija dol – samoiniciativnost zgleda ni široka ljudska vrlina.
Dokument – IPv6MemoFinal (PDF)
Jan Žorž
Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):