Projekt kooperacije in harmonizacije uvedbe IPv6 med EU in Kitajsko…

Go6 je povabljen v skupino podpornih strokovnjakov/ekspertov, ki bodo usmerjali, komentirali ter izvajali kooperacijo in harmonizacijo uvedbe IPv6 med EU in Kitajsko…

EC in Kitajska sta dosegli dogovor o bilateralnem sodelovanju in skladni uvedbi IPv6 in formirali skupino 8 strokovnjakov, 4 iz EU in 4 iz Kitajske, ki se bodo redno srečevali na face-to-face meetingih.

EU formalno zastopajo Philippe Cousin (eglobalmark, CEO), Roger Torrenti (Sigma Orionis), Martin Potts (Martel GMBH, CEO) in Latif Ladid (IPv6 Forum), Kitajsko pa Mr. JIANG LINTAO, Cao Jiguang, Xing Li (CERNET) in Liu Dong.

Latif nas je povabil kot podporne strokovnjake, večina našega dela bo preko mailingliste in ostalih elektronskih medijev, redko nam bo treba kam potovati – kar je časovno gledano zelo efektiven način udeležbe.

Sodelovali bomo na vseh štirih poglavjih:

* Transition and co-existence: including deployment and security of the transition
* Training:
___o Split into different target areas according to the content and the different types of training
___o Promotion and awareness
* IPv6 resources (including DNS server): Increasing the number of root servers (but in-line with ICANN decisions), optimization of the existing mechanism, DNSSec, …
* Application WG: Smart Grid, Smart Buildings (this has some relationship to the IoT topic)

Cilji te kooperacije med EU in Kitajsko so pa sledeči:

The overall objective of the Group is to give input to the MIIT/MOST – DG INFSO dialogue for promoting cooperation between China and Europe.

– Promote technology innovation, standards preparation, industry development and application development in Europe and China on future internet and IPv6 deployment.
– Prepare setting-up a long-term cooperation mechanism between EU and China on the future Internet and IPv6.
– Investigate the situation of relevant applications and corresponding technologies, analyse the future internet standards requirements and discuss security/privacy issues and governance approaches including for IPv6.
– Propose and accompany research in the fields of architecture, protocols, naming and identification, application modes, standards, and rules.
– Facilitate the exchange of best practises and the realisation of pilots and corresponding testing.
– Elaborate a 5-year strategy roadmap on the future internet which should be completed by September 2010 and updated regularly, with a focus on practical implementation. Encourage and support the organisation of specific conferences and events (additional support will be provided by Support Action My FIRE and Paradiso as part of the EU 7th Research Framework Programme and comparable activities and projects managed by Chinese organisation as Tsinghua University, CATR, BUPT etc…).

Na povabilo v ekspertno skupino smo se odzvali, veseli smo da lahko s svojim znanjem iz izkušnjami pripomoremo k tako pomembnih zadevah, kot je zunanja politika EU na področju IPv6.

Več o projektu:

Jan Žorž

Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):


  1. lex
    October 27th, 2010 | 15:31

    go go6 🙂

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