IPv6 promet globalno ostaja na višjih ravneh…
Iz sveta poročajo, da se je na Svetovni IPv6 dan IPv6 promet drastično povečal in po 24 urah tudi padel, a ne več na staro raven…
Hurricane Electric opaža, da IPv6 promet ostaja višji kot pred 8.6.2011:
Ostalih grafov še nimamo, a o višjem prometu poročajo tudi iz Comcasta in ostalih velikih ponudnikov IPv6 povezljivosti.
Martin J. Levy je svoje misli o Svetovnem IPv6 dnevu v email sporočilu strnil v nekaj stavkov:
A success on many levels; each with different values:
– v6 enabled companies and networks (not just sites)
– v6 traffic jump during the 24 hour period
– v6 traffic levels after the 24 hour period are much higher than before W6D
– v6 awareness in the press/media increased once again (ICANN runnout was other event)
– v6 bugs fixed and upgrades installed into working networks – v6 is now within Patrick’s lexicon 🙂
All big wins in themselves. However the major win has been that v6 exposure level has been raised to the CxO level within many-many organizations. This means that many v6 projects, that were once pet-projects of some random v6-savvy person, are now managed projects with company-wide visibility. The v6 work has gone mainstream. It’s going to stick!
This has been a good day.
Martin J. Levy
Zdi se mi, da smo z uspešnim IPv6 dnevom naredili za uvedbo novega protokola več kot v prejšnjih 10 letih skupaj. Planirati smo že začeli Svetovni IPv6 teden, a dogovori še niso toliko daleč, da bi o njih lahko spregovorili v javnosti.
Za Go6, Jan Žorž
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