Zadnja /8 v RIPE regiji – zaključili smo s prosto distribucijo IPv4 naslovnega prostora.
No, pa se je zgodilo! Iz RIPE-NCC (Axel Pawlik, CEO) je prišlo sporočilo, da smo v RIPE regiji razdelili vse IPv4 naslove (razen zadnje /8) in da je konec z razdeljevanjem naslovov po ključu “kolikor potrebuješ oziroma lahko opravičiš za obdobje X”…
Zgodilo se je, celo malo prej, kot smo pričakovali. RIPE NCC je začel deliti IPv4-naslovni prostor iz svoje zadnje /8:
On Friday, 14 September 2012, the RIPE NCC, the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia, distributed the last blocks of IPv4 address space from the available pool. This means that we are now distributing IPv4 address space to Local Internet Registries (LIRs) from the last /8 according to section 5.6 of “IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region”.
This section states that an LIR may receive one /22 allocation (1,024 IPv4 addresses), even if they can justify a larger allocation. This /22 allocation will only be made to LIRs if they have already received an IPv6 allocation from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC. No new IPv4 Provider Independent (PI) space will be assigned.
Zapisi o tem obstajajo na RIPE-NCC strani in ISOC.
Kaj to pomeni? Pravilo “last /8” je jasno: Iz zadnje /8 dobijo največ /22 novi LIR-i oziroma vsak obstoječi LIR enkrat /22, čeprav bi potreboval več. Vsak dobi še 1024 IP naslovov in to je to. Forever.
Za Go6, Jan in Matjaž
Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):
Axel Pawlik je še dodal: “It is now imperative that all stakeholders deploy IPv6 on their networks to ensure the continuity of their online operations and the future growth of the Internet.”.
Novica se hitro širi: