go6.si in A+P approach.
go6.si je vstopil v proces so-oblikovanja RFC drafta A+P approach, avtorjev Randy Bush, Olaf Maennel, Nokia, T-mobile, Roma university, Columbia university in še nekaj eminentnih imen. Trenutno potekajo dogovori, da bi mojo malenkost zapisali med avtorje, zaenkrat smo pa prišli med “close collaboration”. -> Click “Read the article”
3. Acknowledgments
The authors wish to thank especially (in alphabetical order) Gabor
Bajko, Remi Despres, Alain Durand, Pierre Levis, Teemu Savolainen and
Jan Zorz for their close collaboration on the development of the A+P
approach. David Ward for review, constructive criticism, and
interminable questions. Cullen Jennings for discussion and review of
fragmentation, and Dave Thaler for useful criticism on “stackable”
A+P gateways. We would also like to thank the following persons for
their feedback on earlier versions of this work: Bernhard Ager, RobAusten,
Gert Doering, Dino Farinacci, Russ Housley, and Ruediger Volk.
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