RIPE intervju: Gert Döring, Spacenet AG
Gert Döring je vodja (chair) RIPE Address policy working grupe, drugače pa zelo prijeten sogovornik, ki o razmerah na internetu na splošno veliko ve in o IPv6 tudi veliko razmišlja. O uvajanju IPv6 v nemško vojsko mi je razlagal že na meetingu v Amsterdamu, ko smo šli po BGP "partyju" z Randy Bushem, Olafom, Bennom na večerjo in se nam je Gert tudi pridružil. RIPE je z njim posnel pogovor, ki se ga splača ogledati…
Gert v pogovoru poudari prednosti IPv6, svobodo pri ustvarjanju mrežne topologije, hkrati pa ostaja realen – znanja in izkušenj nekaj je, a ne dovolj.
Transcript (iz
My colleagues are actually using IPv6 without noticing it.
When we started there was no IPv6 in Europe, or hardly any, so we had to tunnel to UUNet in the UK and that was it. These days just about any exchange point in the world is IPv6 capable, if you look at the DECIX in Frankfurt, for example, around one third of the ISPs have IPv6 now.
In about every country in Europe there will be ISPs, smaller ISPs, that do IPv6 today. So there is local expertise. Go to your peers, ask them about IPv6, ask them what sort of products they use, what sort of experiences they had.
And maybe pay them for some consulting, but there is local expertise and you just need to share with your colleagues.
There is a big advantage in IPv6, and it?s the whole subnet size calculation. In IPv4, experience shows that whatever size you pick for a subnet, it?s either too small or too big. In IPv6 you just put a /64 on it and that will be enough for ever and this really saves on address space management, address space planning, network planning and all the overhead that everybody takes for granted that really shouldn?t be necessary. If you ever tell that to a customer: ?I?m not giving you what you are asking for?, the customer would be unhappy and that?s a bad way to start a business relation.
In IPv6, the customer asks for a block and you give them a block. And the block will be bigger than whatever he needs. One of the arguments that is made by people that think we are doing it all wrong with IPv6 is you have not learned from the past. You?re giving out big chunks of addresses again. You?re making the same mistakes and IPv6 will run out. What these people just don?t do is the proper math behind it.
What we are currently giving to providers are /32s. We have four billion /32s. There is no way there will ever be four billion ISPs in the world.
IPv4 is good enough, as long as people can get to whatever they want, like, get to Google, get to Youtube, with IPv4, they have no pressing need to go to IPv6.
They will start caring about technology if IPv4 breaks for them. Basically, that is too late, so the providers should be ready before that, before IPv4 actually runs out.
I would be happy if we got rid of this legacy IP stuff. IPv4, this is just legacy from the last century. It is not like IPv6 is solving world hunger or anything, but it?s solving a very critical problem in IPv4, and that?s the address space.
Given that the address space is so tight, IPv4 brings up other problems.
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