Comcast začel z javnim testiranjem IPv6 tranzicijskih mehanizmov.
Comcast je zaključil s testiranjem teh mehanizmov v njihovem razvojnem laboratoriju in se odločil, da bodo te mehnizme upeljali v njihovo produkcijsko omrežje ter ponudili možnost testiranja strankam, ki se za to seveda odločijo. V ta namen so postavili spletno mesto, kjer se njihovi uporabniki lahko prijavijo na test…
Alain Durand, direktor razvoja na Comcastu (in tudi soavtor A+P draft RFC-ja) je to že nekajkrat napovedal, a sedaj je to postala realnost. V prvi fazi bodo IPv6 ponudili preko 6RD mehanizma, razvitega v Franciji (Free). Naslednja faza bo dvojni sklad – IPv4 in native IPv6 do rezidenčnih uporabnikov, zadnja faza bo pa dualstack-lite, ki je podoben mehanizem deljenja enega IPv4 naslova med več uporabnikov kot A+P, le točka NAT-a je druga (ds-lite je NAT v jedru omrežja, A+P je NAT tam kjer je do sedaj bil, pri uporabniku doma na dostopovni napravi (CPE/routerju).
Ker bi s prevajanjem izgubil večino pomena, bom Comcastov plan testiranj citiral kar v originalnem zapisu:
Trial #1 will evaluate tunneling IPv6 over IPv4, using “6RD” technology. 6RD is an open Internet standard developed in the IETF’s Softwires working group. This trial enables us to explore how we may be able to provide production level IPv6 service to customers who have only been issued IPv4 addresses by the ISP network.
Trial #2 will evaluate a native Dual-Stack IPv6 deployment. We will test issuing both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to the customer premise. This trial will attempt to suit a variety of customer premise configurations, and will evolve over time as the customer premise equipment (CPE) support for IPv6 matures. Native, dual-stack is central to our IPv6 strategy and we expect that the native dual-stack solution will be a significant part of the IPv6 transition, enabling IPv6 technology to evolve globally while still being able to provide seamless services to the traditional IPv4 Internet.
Trial #3 will evaluate tunneling IPv4 over IPv6, using “Dual-Stack Lite” technology (aka DS-Lite). DS-Lite is an open standard defined in the IETF’s Softwires working group. DS-Lite will involve provisioning only an IPv6 address at the customer premise, and creating a IPv4 over IPv6 tunnel between the customer’s home gateway and an Address Family Transition Router (AFTR) in our network. That AFTR enables sharing IPv4 addresses among DS-Lite IPv6 customers. DS-Lite can be seen as the mirror image of 6RD; 6RD enables IPv6 service to IPv4 customers, whereas DS-Lite enables IPv4 service to IPv6 customers. DS-Lite offers the ability to continue an IPv4 service when IPv4 addresses are no longer readily available or are otherwise constrained.
Trial #4 will evaluate how to deploy IPv6 to our Business Class customers, on a native Dual-Stack IPv6 basis.
Jan Žorž
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