Vprašalnik o izobraževanju IPv6 (IPv6 curricula study)
Evropska komisija je naročila študijo o izobraževanju na temo IPv6. Prvi korak v tej raziskavi je vprašalnik, katerega cilj je priprava priporočil Evropski komisiji za izboljšave na področju izobraževanja IPv6. Vprašalnik je namenjen tako tistim, ki se ali se bodo izobraževali na temo IPv6, kot tistim, ki tovrstna izobraževanja nudijo…
Posredujem obvestilo, ki sem ga prejel od delovne skupine, ki je pripravila vprašalnik. Vprašalnik bo dosegljiv do 2.4.2010.
The Directorate-General for information Society and Media has launched a study aimed at evaluating the current landscape (needs and offer) in the field of Internet Technologies training. This study is carried out by the company inno AG.
An essential part of this study is based on an online survey which consists of a set of questions concerning your positioning toward trainings in the field of Internet Technology (IT), either as a provider or a potential user of such trainings. The results of the survey will be analysed to provide recommendations to the European Commission and relevant stakeholders on the way to improve the IT training landscape in Europe. Intermediate results of the analysis will be made publicly available online but individual answers to the survey will be kept strictly confidential by the consultant in charge of the survey inno AG.
If you or your company is either involved in the supply of IT related trainings or if your organisation makes use of IT related trainings, we kindly ask you to participate in the survey by clicking one of the following link:
For further details or information, please contact the team in charge of the survey: Dr Franck Le Gall (f.le-gal (at) inno-group.com) or Ms Caroline Garence (c.garence (at) inno-group.com).
Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):
Si siguren, da je namenjen tudi uporabnikom izobraževanj in ne samo tistim, ki jih nudijo? Ker če jaz na vprašanje:
Does your organisation:
– Provide courses/training in the field of ICT for internal purposes?
– Provide courses/training in the field of ICT for external purposes?
– Make use of external expertise to provide internal courses/trainings in the field of ICT?
– None of the above
izberem zadnji odgovor, torej “None of the above”, se anketa zaključi in mi reče, da ni namenjena meni. Torej če na noben način ne nudim izobraževanj ali se ne izobražujem za to, da bi jih nudil, potem očitno to ni namenjeno meni?
Pregledal sem specifikacijo in dejansko je bilo vprašanje tako zastavljeno. Ne gre za napako, morda le za nerodno dikcijo. Z odgovorom “Make use of external expertise to provide internal courses/trainings …” se anketa nadaljuje za organizacijo, ki bo z zunanjo pomočjo organizirala interna izobraževanja na temo IPv6.
Hvala za komentar — posredoval ga bom skupini, ki je pripravljala vprašalnik.