5 korakov uvedbe IPv6 za vodje informatike v podjetjih…

Frank Scalzo, CIO na podjetju Internode je za vodje informatike v podjetjih uvedbo IPv6 skrčil in poenostavil na 5 preprostih točk, katerih se morajo držati in jih izvesti…

1. Gain access to an IPv6 service

2. Assign a staff member to become the dedicated IPv6 expert

3. Start reviewing the network for potential issues with devices such as firewalls, load balancers, routers, VPNs, mobile access

4. Don’t forget security. The way security works in an IPv6 world is different to an IPv4 world.

5. Accept that you will run in ‘dual stack’ mode (IPv4 and IPv6 devices running simultaneously) for some time, but it won’t be for ever.

Preprosto, mar ne? Sedaj, ko veste kako – le veselo na delo 🙂

Jan Žorž

Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):

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