Priprave na Svetovni IPv6 dan se nadaljujejo…

Spisek udeležencev Svetovnega IPv6 dneva raste iz dneva v dan, tako da pričakujemo da se bo tudi slovenska lista začela spet kmalu daljšati. Za slovenske udeležence bomo postavili mailinglisto, na katero bomo sporočali o pripravah in potrebnih akcijah za udeležbo na dan 8.6.2011…

Veliko govora je o tem, kako bomo izvajali meritve in kako jih bomo interpretirali. V te namene bomo tudi pri nas postavili xml datoteko, v katero bomo vpisali vse sodelujoče, obliko še sporočimo. Zanimive informacije so za udeležence prišle od koordinatorja dogodka (ISOC):

First, we’d like to mention the exact timing of the event.  It is from 0000-2359 UTC on June 8.  You can find the local start time where you are here:
and the local end time where you are here:

Second, we’d like to inform you about a wiki that we have set up with some relevant information about the event.  It is located here:  You’ll need a username and password to access and edit it.  If you’d like to do that, please send an email to:  We’ll need an individual email address other than a NOC address to provide access.

Third, we are starting to test connectivity to websites.  If you have already set up IPv6 connectivity to your site and have dual-stack or IPv6-only URLs configured for testing, please let us know what they are as we’d like to start testing connectivity as soon as possible in advance of June 8.  We are serving an XML file with public information we’ve gathered from participants here:

Fourth, World IPv6 Day provides a unique opportunity to collect data about IPv6 operations on the Internet, and doing so is important to the success of the event.  To that end a number of organizations are planning to do various measurements of network and end-user performance.  We encourage you to help to facilitate these measurements if possible.   Doing so is optional of course.  Those efforts are described on the wiki here:  If you’d like to provide any of that info, please send it to Mat Ford (

Upam, da se pridno pripravljate na ta dan, saj morajo tu svoje opraviti tako ponudniki vsebin kot tudi ponudniki dostopa in storitev. Kaj pa če se na ta dan na vaš helpdesk usuje kopica jeznih klicev, zakaj Internet ne deluje? Ste na to pomislili?

Nekaj napotkov smo zapisali na Priporočamo v branje.

Jan Žorž

Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):

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