Facebook že izvedel prva produkcijska testiranja na IPv6

Will Lawton in Donn Lee sta na organizacijsko listo Svetovnega IPv6 dneva sporočila, da je Facebook doslej že dvakrat za eno uro omogočil AAAA zapis za naslov www.facebook.com. Rezultati testiranja so razveseljujoči, saj nam vlivajo upanje, da le morda ne bo tako hudo, kot smo mislili…

Za tisto uro je bil Facebook za celoten Internet dosegljiv preko obeh protokolov, IPv4 in IPv6. S tem so stestirali vse mehanizme in se pripravili na 24-urno IPv6 avanturo, ki bo razburkala Internet dne 8.6.2011. Kaj sta v sporočilu zapisala?

FYI, we at Facebook have completed (intentionally) unannounced tests of W6D. One last week and one this week. These tests were essentially rehearsals of W6D (dual-stacking www.facebook.com for all users). Each test lasted for one hour.

We did this to:
* Make sure our “Big Red Switch” indeed works and is ready for June 8th.
* See how much v6 traffic we will have on W6D.
* Ensure the site doesn’t fail / no surprises.
* Gain confidence/proof/reassurance to share with other stakeholders.

Results that we can share:
* v6 did not break the Internet 🙂
* As expected, there was no change in user activity / traffic
* Total v6 traffic was approx 0.1% of all traffic. Content like photos was not served over v6, so this number is expectedly lower than theoretical site-wide v6 traffic.

We’re working on other tasks to complete before W6D. The fun continues!

Donn Lee & Will Lawton


Jan Žorž

Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):


  1. Ragnar6
    May 11th, 2011 | 12:19

    Kar mene najbolj zanima je, koliko od teh podjetij, ki so se javila za sodelovanje v IPv6 dnevu, bo po koncu dneva tudi ostalo “dual-stacked”?

  2. May 11th, 2011 | 13:03

    mene tudi…

  3. Ragnar6
    May 17th, 2011 | 11:43

    Je pa ravno danes FB poslal mail, da ima dual-stack na vseh linkih do sveta. Ugani s kom ze imajo 2 ipv6 bgp peera? 🙂

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