Koraki za uvedbo IPv6 v DNS

Patrik Faltstrom, naš glavni govorec na 4. Slo IPv6 summitu mi je v review poslal dokument, ki govori o korakih, potrebnih za uvajanje IPv6 v DNS sisteme in strežnike…

Dokument je objavljen na Cisco straneh, vsebuje pa natančna navodila, kako postopoma omogočimo IPv6 na naših DNS strežnikih, rekurzivnih in avtoritativnih…

1. Add AAAA records in your DNS server for the hostnames of the devices that can be reached through the IPv6 protocol.
2. Add pointer (PTR) records in your DNS server for the IP addresses of the devices that can be reached through the IPv6 protocol.
3. Enable IPv6 access to the authoritative DNS servers. Be sure that TCP/53 and UDP/53 can be accessed through IPv6.
4. Enable IPv6 connectivity to the external full-service resolvers that send DNS queries to authoritative servers in the world.
5. Make sure that the full-service resolver is configured with both IPv4 and IPv6 glue for the root servers in the world.
6. Enable IPv6 on the recursive resolver so that it responds to DNS requests over IPv6 as well as IPv4.
7. Enable IPv6 on the node that sends queries so that it can send DNS requests to the recursive resolver.
8. Configure the stub resolver on the node that sends queries so that it uses IPv6 to send DNS queries, either statically or using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 (DHCPv6).
9. Review policies for flows and make sure that both TCP/53 and UDP/53 can be accessed over IPv4 and IPv6.

Več o samih korakih je zapisano v dokumentu, ob tej priliki pa lahko omenimo še zabaven video, kako si na Ciscu zamišljajo izčrpanje IPv4 naslovenga prostora…

Jan Žorž

Vaš IP naslov (ali ste na IPv6 ?):

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